Boetti’s Alphabet reads “Best Wishes”

In the early seventies, following a trip to Asia, the artist Boetti returned to Rome with the idea of sending a series of drawings containing ‘words’ to female weavers in Afghanistan. The letters of the valuable and famous embroideries came to express feelings that reside in us. The work is called ‘ORDER AND DISORDER’, the spirit of the times that we live today…#zeitgeist
Ordine e disordine, 1988 Alighiero Boetti

Can happiness be found in a letter? Boetti artist and scholar of the visual meaning of letters certainly thinks so! As of today your A, B, C, should no longer be seen as just a series of symbols but rather appetising components on a par with panettone, pandoro, gingerbread or delicious torrone, out of which aspirations are born as well as calories!
Does this all seem very banal to you? I don’t think it is. No one prior to Boetti had ever thought of language as a medium for our existence and personality.

And just think for a moment about how much each letter has weighed in 2020? How much use and abuse of language have we left behind?

Look at the arazzo (multi-coloured embroidery) and allow an ever so elementary symbol to appear before your eyes with an image, a story, a sensation that searches in the indispensable disorder of life, to create order.
What poetry do you read in the elegant and colourful embroidery? From left to right, and top to bottom each person can identify his thoughts on the year to come!

We’ve done it, now it’s your turn

P.S. Some time ago we had sent a letter: destination North Pole.
Click the image!

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