Bionap and universal humanism
There is a place where you breathe something good in the air and where business has a green heart that is Made in Italy: Its the world of Bionap, manufacter…
How so? Through exploring the cultural mood of the moment, observing new street fashion, travelling, capturing forward trends from this country or that city.
Trying to guess what tomorrow will bring through a continual muddying between art, fashion, gastronomy and beauty.
The search involves studying shop windows and visiting exhibitions, bars, clubs and metropolises.
Trying to intercept people’s passions and pleasures today!
Bregaglio is a company that thrives off imagination…Coolhunting is all about predicting trends to find out what links marketing to our laboratory and business!
The Bregaglio Observatory is curated by our coolhunter Cristina Minelle @cribeauty_cool